Spring Steelhead (Part 3) As mentioned in the previous articles, there are some differences between spring steelhead and fall steelhead that need to be addressed by anglers and recognizing and understanding these differences is sure to …
Spring is in the Air! Saturday & Sunday, April 18th & 19th Grand River Outfitting & Fly Shop Spring Open House!! The Saturday before the trout opener is a perfect time for a get together and we would like to…
Spring Steelhead (Part 2) Like any fish that we chase, there are several primary factors that affect behavior. Where migratory fish are concerned, it’s safe to say that at the top of the list is locating them. As suggested, migratory…
Say Whaaaaat? That’s right, all of us at GRO are sensitive slobs and appreciate the season of love as much as the next. With Valentines Day behind us, we are thinking that maybe a lot of special ladies got the…
Spring Steelhead (Part 1) There is some controversy over what constitutes “spring” steelhead in the Great Lakes. Historically we have broken the migration up into two separate runs, suggesting two distinct strains; fall steelhead, which typically begin in late September…
As we edge closer to the spring steelhead season, penned up anglers will be thinking about new gear. As our first “Fly Rod” review, we’ll let you in on what we look at “Performance”- We have several high level casters…
It is safe say that every great clothing brand begins with a cool name and that becomes the driving force behind the company. The name alone though is usually not enough as the product needs to stand up. Ralph Lauren…