Great Lakes steelhead

Great Lakes steelhead

Join us on March 30th for a game-changing tying demo, featuring Gulff UV Resins.  UV resins are not necessarily new but the Gulff line takes it to a new level.  Jake will walk us through the various types of clear…

Steelhead are the glamour fish of the Great Lakes and while they are not indigenous, they have been around long enough that they have been raised to the elite level of game fish.  Although they take second fiddle to other…

I had the opportunity recently to get my hands on the new Echo OHS (That’s ‘One handed spey’) and am convinced that this is a very innovative and fresh idea for Great Lakes steelhead.  While rods in the 10′ to…

The final day of the Ontario trout season was a mix of frustration and excitement for this angler.  I typically spend at least part of the day ushering out the season but this year I was afforded the majority of…

Where did trout season go?  It seems like just last week I was standing on the river with GROF Guide Nick Groves on opening day, drinking a coffee and waiting for the light.  Giddy as a couple of school kids.…

It’s not every year that we get the chance to fish for Great Lakes Steelhead in fair condition this late in the season. The long range forecast is looking very favorable for the next two weeks or as far as…

Yesterday, while steelhead fishing with my friend Jason King, we got into the old conversation about killing steelhead.  Now anyone that knows me will tell you that I’ve never been a preacher when it comes to catch and release and…

We live in a world where people can’t get enough of “better”.  Our computers, cars, bicycles and sporting equipment we are told, no matter how current, can always be improved on and we buy it up.  I for one however,…

Spring Steelhead (Part 3) As mentioned in the previous articles, there are some differences between spring steelhead and fall steelhead that need to be addressed by anglers and recognizing and understanding these differences is sure to        …

As we edge closer to the spring steelhead season, penned up anglers will be thinking about new gear.  As our first “Fly Rod” review, we’ll let you in on what we look at “Performance”- We have several high level casters…

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